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Ready to find that highly skilled talent you're looking for?

As a Thalento customer you'll receive a reduced rate of 500 euro versus 1000 euro (when booking before the 15th of May 2018)

Your vacancies in the spotlight for international and multicultural highly-educated profiles who live in Belgium

Get 1 up to 5 vacancies rotating for 6 months 


Employer branding to a more diverse talentpool

Expertise in support measures from the government regarding divers talent 

Job platform

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Talentree is the job platform for highly-educated international and multicultural talent living in Belgium.

They are passionate about matching the right talent with the right job in the right company. Special about their talents is that they always have an international twist. Their talents’ background might give them some extra challenges like languages, a local network, more complex administration etc. in which they guide them. But mainly they connect their internationals with companies who see their additional strengths like their different business perspective, languages, complentary networks, etc.

Click here to see an examples of their vacancies.

Click here to see some of their talent.

““We hire diverse profiles in each home market to strengthen our international DNA. Talentree offers us a platform to quickly reach multicultural profiles. Just a few days after we posted our vacancy, we were introduced to Meyrem, a perfect match in terms of skills & personality.””


- Boris Bogaert - CEO Xpenditure

This is a special offer for all clients of

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